Thursday, April 30, 2009

Soy chai, kere kere, University of Melbourne

Yes, detox over, back on the chai. Chais are one of the few things I've missed over the past few weeks, and I'm happily adding it back to my beverage world, albeit sans honey for the moment.

This morning's chai was from kere kere, a unique little coffee stand on the University of Melbourne's Parkville campus (near John Medley West for those passing through the Dream Large 'hood). The brainchild of Unimelb alumnus James (well he looks like a James...), the kere kere menu is limited to hot drinks, water bottles and a changing array or baked goods, but the quality is consistent, the service genuine and it's fast become the mid-morning haunt of most break-seeking staff and caffeine-deprived students on campus.

Like Astroboy, kere kere is small but only in size. The beauty of this business is that you get to choose where the profits of your tea (or caffe latte, short mac, raspberry friand, etc) go. You can allocated these funds back to the owners, or to an environmental, social or cultural cause. When you place your order, you're given a on oversized playing card. This serves as the order number they'll call out when your tea's ready, but doubles as your vote for where the profits will go. Each month James (he could also pass for a David...) adds up the profits and distributes them according to how people have 'voted' throughout the month. It's a pretty neat idea and seems to have captured the support of many regulars -- they've recently had to add a second machine to help keep up with the steady flow of orders.

On campus? Check them out when you can -- you can even take in your own mug and go that extra step on the environmental staircase.


shineon said...

I found your Chai 101 post extremely enlightening. May I recommend another nice Class B soy chai? I had one this morning at The Point on Albert Park Lake. Combined with the rather unseasonal sunshine, it was a most enjoyable mid-powerwalk treat!

looseleaflea said...

I haven't been there in ages, and never thought to stop in there for a cuppa. I think I had wine last time, and the best herbed, squashed potatoes ever (i.e. they weren't completely mashed, they had skins on and were smashed a little).