Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Peppermint tea, Brunetti, Carlton

I'm still on the detox. And I'm still drinking peppermint tea. Blurgh. Don't get me wrong, I'm an avid fan of peppermint tea and would miss it if Australia experienced The Great Peppermint Famine of 2009, but it seems to be all I'm having these days and you can get sick of it. It's like if you filled a large vat with Labrador puppies, jumped inside and lived there for 10 days -- you'd soon become sick of those cute Kleenex commercials.

(Speaking of Labradors, last night I dreamt that I was in a pet store with 'free range' puppies and kittens. One of the Labrador puppies had skin made from puff pastry and had been sitting under heating lamps for too long. He had started to literally cook and looked like a Brumby's sausage roll at 4.30pm. I don't think he had any egg wash on him either. R thinks I'm just craving meat, but I'm resisting the idea that my subconscious is translating 'meat' into 'Labrador puppy flesh' -- watch out Tosh!).

People react to the news that you're doing a detox in the same way that they react to you telling them that you're into Scientology or eating toddlers (not that I've told anyone that I'm into eating toddlers...). Most people just think that feeling healthy is something you do because your doctor has told you to or you're a sadist who likes to deprive yourself of good things. I'm neither, I just adore the feeling of not being dependent on anything -- caffeine, post-meal sugar rushes, Labrador puppy eat, etc -- and I always feel great afterwards.

Now, mind you, this time I'm doing the piss-weakest detox of them all, the Blackmores Detox. This lasts for 10 days, involves taking lots of pills and tonics and just means you eat lots of fresh fruit and vegies (and some fish), and no caffeine, alcohol, sweets, dairy or wheat. And it's not that hard to keep up after the detox is over -- I discovered wheat-free muesli during Detox 2008 and have had it every morning since. You also realise just how great fresh food tastes without salt or sauces or oil -- during last year's detox I discovered that rocket tastes peppery! How could I not have known this?!

I can also somehow have sashimi and miso, so am meeting R today to binge on Japanese from Toki in Carlton. I could easily survive the 10 days on sashimi and miso, but it would set me back about $250.


RyanOnCoffee said...

I thought the Brumby's sausage rolls were terrifying enough at the start of the day, I'm glad I never saw them at 4.30!
Remind me not to leave you in a room alone with Tosh for a while..
For a post about peppermint tea you do seem to be mentioning eating dogs and toddlers quite a lot. :)

looseleaflea said...

I actually think it might have been a filo pastry puppy... like the chicken and mushroom filo things you get from the bakery at Myer and DJs. The top layer had burnt and peeled off a fair bit.

Thank God I woke up soon after that.